Monday, January 31, 2011

Goodbye 20's....Hello 30's!

Today is my 30th birthday. I am the kind of girl who embraces birthdays, so I throw myself a party every year, sometimes more than one. This year, there are two. I went to Milwaukee over this past weekend for party number one. (Party number 2, here in Minneapolis is this will be featured next week!)
This is a milestone birthday that I've been reflecting upon for a few weeks now. Several friends have also turned 30 this month. Seeing how they handle it and their insights on it has been interesting and quite different from my own perspective.
Let me say something about my 20's first. It was a wild ride. There were so many life changing experiences for me. To name a few...
College and all the crazy experiences that go with it. Living on a tiny budget, eating ramen noodles, going to class or not going to class, living without real rules or guidelines, partying too hard for my own good, and forming friendships that will last a lifetime.
Traveling, on all different levels. I did the travel on a small budget, hustling from hostel to hostel, trying to squeeze in too many sights in too little time. Then I evolved into more focused travel and not staying in a hostel with a shared bathroom (yuck!).
The "Quarter Life Crisis" ....don't laugh. Its no joke. Its got to be one of the most challenging emotional times of my life.
Moving to Minneapolis, the different apartments, jobs, friends, and experiences rolled into one.
Committing to a serious adult relationship (going on 5 years now!) and facing life head on together.
Adopting my dogs and buying a house....and all the responsibilities that come with both!

Those are just a small few of the lessons and experiences I've had in this past decade.
Friends of mine were nervous about turning 30. Suddenly we are old and real adults and its too sad to say goodbye to our former selves.
I say, *F* That! To my 20's, I loved ya, but I have a full and bright future ahead of me and I can't wait to see what is in store!
I told one of my more nervous friends to look at it like this: We still have so much left to experience. Weddings, babies, career changes, and my passport is nowhere near full enough for me to be satisfied. Only now, I'm a little bit wiser, a little bit more thankful and aware of my blessings. Aging is inevitable and I don't want to hate the journey because I'm scared of the destination. If I am going to get older, I am going to earn my laugh lines by spending the decades to come laughing and loving every minute of it.
To 30....bring it on baby, hit me with your best shot!

1 comment:

  1. Yes it is sad to leave the "20's" behind. But life goes on and we have to enjoy every single day. We will get wiser and experience lots of new things, new emotions, new places. Hopefuly we still have a long journey ahead of us. HAPPY BIRTHDAY girl and welcome to the club!



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