You may have noticed over the last year that my posts have been becoming less and less frequent. I found it harder and harder to spend hours upon hours editing photographs, teaching myself about html codes and what not. I love this blog, and everything its given me over the years, however it just doesnt seem to be as fulfilling anymore.
I recently started graduate school so between that, work, and my volunteer work, Im finding it that much harder to get motivated to post things.
So for now, Im "officially" taking a break from the blog.
I've also put my Etsy shop on vacation mode so that for now I can focus on school.
I still have lots of photos to share, other projects I never posted, and I'm sure I wont be able to stay away from frosting for too long. So with that, I ask that you still follow me on Facebook. I'll post updates there from time to time.
Whether I will return to the blogosphere, its too early to tell. But for those of you who have been along for the ride, thank you so much for all of the love and support.
I hope you'll check in from time to time on Facebook.