
Monday, November 12, 2012

Hello? Is It Me You're Looking For?

OK, OK, so Im breaking down and posting about this whole Facebook ordeal.  If you follow other blogs, this is probably old news.  Actually, I thought it was just one of those rumor things going around Facebook. But then I started noticing that less and less people are looking at my posts via Facebook. Now I know I didnt suddenly just become boring, so what the heck?  Oh yeah, all that hype, its not hype. Facebook really did take this stuff out of your newsfeed (its still in the ticker though) and apparently its to get us to try and pay for advertising.  I guess I don't have all the reasons as to why they changes stuff (its not like they ever tell us anyway!) but I do know how you can start seeing stuff from me again.  I hope you want to!  Here's a quick tutorial for keeping track of me and other pages you may like!

 Step one is to go to my Facebook page and click the Liked button. If you havent created any lists yet, you'll select the Add New List button. This is just like categorizing your friends into lists. You can create them by subject, important stuff (add me there!) whatever your heart desires.
 After clicking on the Add New List, a new box will open. Make sure Fairytale Frosting is selected. Then click Next.
 You will then create a name for your list (you can totally be like me and use Awesomesauce!) select your audience and then click Done.
When you return to your newsfeed, on the left, you'll now show a section that looks like this. When new posts are in that newsfeed it will show by clicking on your Interest Lists.  Just like your "Close Friends" or "Family" lists.

I hope this helps everyone navigate the Facebook pages better, and I really hope you'll add me to your Interest lists!  I love my readers!!
Oh and because I think its funny, this is a picture I saw at our local Axman store.

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