
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Drinks on the Patio Part II: Beer Holder Stake

To continue yesterday's post, today I'll show you what you need to make a beer holder stake!
You will need:
1 Empty Can       
  *I used an empty tomato sauce can, and chose the bigger size. I wanted a bit more flexibility of the type of drinks I could put in it.  Bigger can felt like it would give me that flexibility.
Threaded Rod (I used 3/4", you can use 1/2" or whatever you prefer)
2 Washers (make sure to buy them to fit the size rod you have)
2 Bolts (again make sure they will fit the size rod you have)
Drill or large nail and hammer to make a hole in the can
Glue (I used E6000)
Spray paint (optional)
Hack Saw (or other saw to cut threaded rod if necessary)

1. If you desire, spray paint your can whatever color you like.
2. Once can is dry, use your drill or hammer/nail to punch a hole in the bottom of the can.
3. Cut your threaded rod (if needed) to desired height for your beer holder to sit
4. Place first bolt on the threaded rod, move a few inches down.
5. Place first washer on top of the bolt.
6. Slide the can on, then inside the can, add the second washer, followed by the bolt
7. Hold the can flush against the inside washer and tighten the bold until the rod is flush with the top of the bolt.
8. Turn your can over and add a dab of glue to the bottom of the can, then slide the washer on top of the glue.
9. Tighten the bottom bolt until flush against the base of the can.
10. Allow to dry, then stake in the ground and enjoy your beer! (or water, or other bottled beverage that you want to fit in there!)

Stay tuned in! Tomorrow you can learn how to make stake holders for your patio!

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