
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Margarita Anyone?

Friday was my friend and former roommate, Amy's birthday. She mentioned awhile back that she loved my pink flamingo cookies. I decided that Amy needed a surprise box of cookies for her birthday.

Tropical deliciousness! These are made from my coconut cream cookie recipe. Quite appropriate if I do say so myself!

Loving the pink 'mingos!

The margarita glasses were my favorite on this platter.

Although, the flip flops were a close second for favorite cookie!!
Happy Birthday Amy!


  1. Wow Jess they are so cool! Your friend is one lucky girl :)

  2. adorable! and coconut cream cookies? YUM!

    Kim @
    party inspiration

  3. They were AMAZING!! I only shared one cookie with the Louies and kept the rest to myself. Hey, it was MY birthday!! Thanks so much- they were fab and really made my day :)

