
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

For The Love of Teal

Hello! I know, its been almost all summer and I've hardly updated this blog at all! I am so sorry that I've been M.I.A. for so long, but I've thought of you guys all summer! I've got lots of projects and fun things to share so I hope to have more regular posts coming your way for awhile.
So let me start by taking you back to earlier this summer.  Minneapolis had a wicked storm roll through the city and it took down hundreds upon thousands of trees, almost excursively from the city boulevards.  On the night of this storm, I was enjoying the power outage down the road at a friend's house when my neighbor messaged me that a tree feel down into my yard.

It doesnt look too bad right? I mean, it missed the house! That is until you see how it looks inside the yard....
Nice huh? I cant really complain though. My fence is only a few years old, and I have a gate that I cannot stand. Its not very strong, and my dogs have broken through it before. Coincidentally, the tree fell through that particular gate! Thats was essentially the only damage! 
My parents were going to come visit and build a new gate for me. One that was sturdier and would keep my dogs from going crazy every time someone walked by. I had to wait about 2 weeks, so this was how I made it work until then.  
Classy huh?
But it was only temporary!
Gary got to work building the gate, I have a feeling he thinks this was the funnest project he's ever worked on!
A day and a half later, I had this beautiful new gate!! Now, I could have chosen to paint it white, but anyone that knows me, knows, normal is not my thing.
I chose to go with a bold shade of teal! I absolutely LOVE it!! I was so inspired I decided to paint the two other gates I have on this fence!
This gate is a slightly different shade. I had to use spray paint on this one because the gate is PVC. But I still love how it turned out. The difference is subtle, so I doubt anyone will notice.
This gate is on the other side of my house, not the street side. I painted this the same color and decided to add a decorate touch! My brother had given me this Disney door knocker a few years ago, but I hadn't had a door to install it on.....
Pretty fun right?!
So this was the first of many projects I took on this summer. I know we are approaching fall and everyone will be sharing their pumpkin recipes, but I am going to hang onto summer just a bit longer and share more projects from my yard! Stay tuned!
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