
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cartoons, Video Games, and a Pickle or two...

This weekend was my buddy Dave's 32nd birthday. He is a big kid at heart! He loves Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Transformers, and pretty much all video games. Thankfully the web is full of talented cookie decorators that proved to be some great inspiration for me! (Thanks Sugarbelle and Bridget over at Bake at 350)

First up...TMNT....TURTLE POWER!!


Pac Man

My personal fav...Super Mario Bros!

And lastly...Pickles & Ice Cream!

Dave's wife Kelly (aka: my BFF) is expecting their first baby! Since I was baking anyway, I couldn't help but give her a quirky set of cookies to celebrate the Tiny Culver Baby!
Congrats guys! Happy 32nd Dave!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Eat Drink Pretty

I am so blessed! Yesterday, my "Let Them Eat Cake...And Celebrate" party was featured on Eat Drink Pretty! The fabulous Jenna who creates that blog enjoyed my pictures and posted them for all to see. Check out her page, you will fall in love! Be sure to check out her very own wedding photos...Gorgeous!!

Thanks again Jenna!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Treats

Happy Valentine's Day! I spent the day decorating an assortment of cookies!
Check out these adorable flamingos! I needed something tropical in the middle of this cold winter.

These are my "Anti-Valentine" cookies. The guys at work will get a kick out of these!

Nuts About You! How cute are these little squirrels?

Here is the whole squirrely collection!

Decorative Hearts

Bride and Groom Hearts

Wild Love. I think these might be my favorite of the day.

Cant really top a Valentine's Day full of cookies and icing!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Alien Invasion!

So, I experimented with a chocolate sugar cookie dough. I made it mostly because I just wanted to try out something new. Now I have this dough, what do I do with it?
I keep an inspiration folder on my computer for cookie designs. I was inspired by a similar alien design I saw on I decided that my sister needed some alien cookies.
Why would Lisa want alien cookies, you may ask. When we were children my brother and I convinced our little sister that she was dropped off by aliens. At first this upset her, but then she embraced her "alien heritage" and began make believe games about contacting her home planet.
Now as adults its a joke amongst us that Lisa is of another world.

Here is a close up of the alien ships.

Here is a close up of the aliens...or is it really a portrait of Lisa?

The chocolate cookie dough turned out to be delicious and Lisa loved the "heritage" design!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Let Them Eat Cake...And Celebrate!

Are you ready for a post with lots of pictures?! This is it!
This weekend marked my 29th birthday. Every year I throw myself a little party with a different theme. This year I took a cue from Marie Antoinette. Good old Marie only had it half right though. My theme was "Let Them Eat Cake...And Celebrate!"
I've been dying to try my hand at a dessert buffet, so I decided to go all out. I mean, hey, if you cant go all out for your own birthday...who can you go all out for?!
I spent several days preparing desserts. Some I've made before, some I hadn't.
This is how the end result turned out...

I know, insane right?! We had SO MUCH food! Delicious!
I also put my scrapbooking skills to work on most of the decor.

The menu was mostly home baked goods, but I did have some lollipops, skittles, jelly bellies and M&M's!

These cake stands were a steal at Marshall's. I scored these three for $20. Total cost. How cool is that?

LeJess is my nickname, so its only appropriate! On top of the stand, I tried out Chocolate Chip Cookie Cheesecake Cups. Amazing. My favorite dessert of the night. I'd never made them before. The crust is a chocolate chip cookie, topped with cheesecake. Heaven!

How cute is this? I took a silicone cupcake liner and put in a foam ball. I bought some spider mums and make a flower cupcake! I did one with pink carnations too, and faux cherries.

My favorite project to do was all the sugar cookies. I think this is my new favorite hobby! Interested in having me do cookies for you? Send me an email and we can make arrangements. My cookie cutter collection is growing! The best part....I can ship cookies! Look how delicious they want to try one....come on!

These little cakes were my favorite. The pink ones even have a little shimmer to them!

These peppermint candy cookies were fun to swirl. Unfortunately the gray turned out darker than I expected. Since they were just for me, I decided not to correct the shade.

How adorable are these cupcake cookies?! The pink and green ones were my favorite!

Ice cream cookies! How much fun are these?! I loved the "mint chocolate chip" ones. These were so fun to do!

I made mini Apple pie and Pear-Raspberry. I've made the normal sized version of the Pear-Raspberry before. They were a big hit.

I couldn't resist making Mini Pumpkin Pie Bites! Yum!

I made mini chocolate cupcakes, vanilla cake bites and I also tried my hand at gummy candies and hard candies. The gummys are here in the strawberry dish. They were simple to make and one of the favorites. The hard candies were pretty easy, but I wasn't prepared for them to break my molds! I had to part with 2 molds. Thankfully Michael's sells them for cheap, so it wasn't too heartbreaking of a loss.

Here is a close up of some of the other cupcakes I had out. The pink ones were white chocolate, filled with fudge, and topped with vanilla buttercream and marshmallow fondant.

These are my little "petit fours". I used some left over cake batter in a brownie bite pan. Then I melted some canned icing, tinted it green and dipped the cake bites in it. I piped on some buttercream flowers for some adorable mini cakes!

How cute are these trees?! They are white chocolate cupcakes with vanilla buttercream. The tree trunk is a chocolate dipped pretzel rod, and the "tree" part is a sugar ice cream cone with buttercream piped on. I had a few more made, but I didn't trim the pretzel down far enough so they topped over. These were the survivors.

Oh yes, it is what you think it is....a chocolate dipped strawberry topiary! I swear these strawberries were on steroids! They were ginormous! But, delicious! I was really pleased with how this project turned out.

I also made a signature cocktail for the party, called "Raspberry Rain". It's actually a spin on drink I had while on vacation last month. It was a refreshing, fruity concoction!

One last glimpse and the table of sugary delight! Your mouth is watering isn't it?

This is me, officially 29 years old. The last year of my 20's. I'm making sure its a good one!

Life is dessert first....and from one of my buffets! =)